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Virtual Campus Tour

Visit campus from home!

While we hope you get the opportunity to visit campus, we recognize that our Huskies are from all over the world. Now you can explore our campus from the comfort of your own home.

Take the virtual tour


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Campus Map

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Campus Tour

We hope you enjoy this tour of campus from the air in the video filmed by one of our students, Finn C. '23. 

Student-Led Walking Tour

Are you looking to learn about a specific location on the Kents Hill campus? All the walking tour timestamps are below so that you can jump right to what you're looking for.

Map Points

Bearce Hall
Bodman Performing Arts Center
Williams Woodworking Studio
Ricker Hall
Sampson Hall/Cochrane Library/Bass Visual Arts Center
Dunn Science Center
Akin Learning Center
Harold and Ted Alfond Athletics Center
Bibby and Harold Alfond Dining Commons
Ted Alfond and John Huard Turf Fields
White Mountains
Lakes Region
The Apple Shed Bakery
Business and Advancement Offices
Blethen House
Patrick McInerney Tennis Facility
Hansen Quadrangle
Pine Grove
Reed Hall
Maine Hall
Wesleyan Hall
Davis Hall
Joanne and Dick O’Connor Alpine Training Center